Crack Your Own Geodes, 3 pcs.

Crack Your Own Geodes, 3 pcs.
Weight (Average): 300g-350g or 10.5oz-12.3oz
Gemstone: Quartz Geode
Item Description: This item includes three unopened natural geodes in a muslin satchel. The total weigh of the three geodes ranges from 300g-350g or 10.5oz-12.3oz. Once opened the geodes will either display a cavity of quartz crystals or be a quartz nodule, which is a solid quartz formation. There is no way to tell from their outside appearance which they will contain. These little geodes are truly amazing, I think that they are best described as Mother Nature’s grab bag.
How to Crack: It is important to be aware of your safety when opening a geode and protective eye wear like goggles is a must. It is also highly recommend to place the unopened geode in an old sock in order to control the fragments during cracking. Once you have completed these safety steps, you will need a rock hammer or light weight hammer and a hard non-damageable surface. You can now use one of two methods to open the geodes. First you can very lightly hit the geode directly with the hammer. It may take a couple of strikes before opening. The second option is to use a hammer and a chisel. Placing the chisel at the center part of the geode and then striking the chisel with the hammer. This is the method that has worked best for me with these particular geodes. The final step is to take your cracked geode out of the sock and marvel at what treasures you have procured.
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